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CBCJobs featured in OC Metro Business Magazine


FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA July 04, 2008 – CBCJobs.com and its founder, , have been featured in an entreprenuer profile in the July 2008 issue of OC Metro Business Magazine, a leading business publication in the Orange County, California area.

Article text:

"Born in Russia in 1980, 's first memorable experience with computers happened when his father brought a laptop home from the U.S. "I was amazed with the amount of graphics in it," Bronstein recalls.

Bronstein, now 28 and living in Fullerton, runs a growing Web-based business, Sebron. From there, he created sebronco.com, an online store; scanverify.com, a service for merchants; and buyverify.com, a supplement to scanverify.com. But it wasn't until he founded CBCJobs.com this year that he created a site offering something people really need in today's economy: jobs.

CBCJobs.com brings employers and job seekers together. Its easy user interface makes it simple to apply for jobs and contact potential employees. "I feel like it [the site] will continue to gain popularity."



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